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Advanced: Make Your Own

Follow along to make your own output generator plugin, or look at the source code of some OA Merge generators.


A generator plugin is simply an asynchronous function that is called every time the OA Merge internal code-tree is rebuilt.

Start by making a new file, next to your oamerge.config.js file, make it look like this:

// my-generator.js
export default opts => {
// Add any instantiation logic here, and then return a
// function that looks like this:
return async ({ cwd, output, TREE }) => {
// This function is called every time the TREE is rebuilt.

Now inside your oamerge.config.js file, you would import it like normal:

import myGenerator from './my-generator.js'

export default {
input: 'my-api',
// Other configurations, and then
generators: [
// Any options to pass to the generator.

You could also just inline the generator, if it were a very simple one. For example, to write out the TREE on every update, you could do something as simple as this:

import { join } from 'node:path'
import { writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'

export default {
// ... as before ...
generators: [
async ({ cwd, output, TREE }) => {
await writeFile(
join(cwd, output, 'tree.json'),
JSON.stringify(TREE, undefined, '\t'),

Generator plugins do not need to return anything, so you can exit early.


Generators are called with types described below:


When the OA Merge compiler runs, it calls the generator plugins with an object containing the following properties:

  • cwd <String> - The current working directory as detected or input by the user. Use this instead of process.cwd().
  • output <String> - The absolute output folder to place generated content.
  • TREE <OamergeTree> - The loaded and normalized file details, from the input folders.


This is a tree representing all loaded files. It has the following property:

  • inputs <Array<OamergeTreeInputs>> - The loaded and normalized file details, with the list order matching the configuration inputs order.


Each of the inputs objects has the following properties:

  • api <String> - The normalized api property, e.g. / if using the default.
  • dir <String> - The normalized dir property.
  • ext <String> - The normalized ext property, e.g. @ if using the default.
  • files <Map<String,OamergeTreeInputFile>> - A map of the filepath, relative to the input folder, to the loaded file details.


This is an object representing the loaded file details. It has the following properties:

  • key <Array<String>> - The filepath, parsed into the OpenAPI object path. E.g. the file paths/hello/world/[email protected] becomes the array of strings [ 'paths', 'hello', 'world', 'get' ].
  • exports <Any> - This is whatever the loader plugin gives back.